
[Workshop] Economics and psychology of climate policy

Date and Location – From November 23rd to 24th in Lille campus

This event is free but due to capacity limit please contact to register.
Deadline registration is Friday, November 17th, 2023 at 12:00 PM (noon). 


Background and objectives

According to the IPCC, preventing potentially catastrophic levels of global warming will require the world economy to cut emissions of greenhouse gasses to net zero levels by 2050. This target has already been adopted or is being proposed for adoption in 123 countries around the world, who are collectively responsible for 92% of the world’s GDP and 88% of total emissions. However, while ambitious mitigation targets are being set by many countries, achieving them remains a major policy challenge. For designing, passing, and implementing effective climate policies, a proper understanding of the economic and psychological factors underlying human behavior is of great importance.

To facilitate research for informing effective climate policy design, the iRisk research center at IÉSEG School of Management, in collaboration with LEM and the University of Lille, will host a multidisciplinary workshop. The workshop will bring together scholars from various disciplines working on the intersection of economics, psychology, and climate change. Ultimately, the workshop aims to:

  • Provide a platform for discussions of theoretical and empirical research exploring the behavioral obstacles for addressing climate change, which can deliver useful insights for how to design more efficient policies and how to increase the public appeal of economically efficient policies;
  • Build interdisciplinary collaborations on decision research into climate policy design and acceptance; and
  • Facilitate structured conversations for identifying critical gaps and opportunities for further research in this area and for encouraging new cross-disciplinary interactions and collaborations.

More Info on the program

All invited talks will be given by experts in their respective fields. Theoretical talks will address foundational issues in economic and psychological theories of decision-making. Empirical talks will discuss insights from behavioral economics and psychology focusing on applications to climate policy design and acceptance.

This event is funded by a grant from the I-SITE UNLE (project IBEBACC), the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) under grant ANR-21-CE03-0018 (project ENDURA), Lille Économie Management (CNRS-UMR 9221), and IÉSEG School of Management.

[Organizing Committee: Thomas EPPER (iRisk Research Center, LEM, CNRS), Fabrice LE LEC (iRisk Research Center, LEM, University of Lille), Uyanga TURMUNKH (iRisk Research Center, LEM, IÉSEG]