Published Papers in Refereed Journals
Ratinho T., Bruneel J., (2024). Taking stock of research on hybrid organizations: Enriching theoretical perspectives, extending empirical contexts, and expanding practical relevance, Journal of Business Research, 170 (2024) 114313.
Bruneel J., Cossey J., Billiet A., Dufays F., (2023). How Do Institutional Prescriptions (Fail to) Address Governance Challenges Under Institutional Hybridity? The Case of Governance Code Creation for Cooperative Enterprises, Journal of Business Ethics, na (na) 20.
Bruneel J., Filip De Beule F., Dobson K., (2023). The internationalization of social enterprises: the impact of business model characteristics, International Business Review, 32 (6) 102188.
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Bruneel J., Billiet A., Dufays F., (2023). Exit, Voice, or Both: Why Organizations Engage with Stakeholders, Business & Society, NA (NA) 42.
Bruneel J., Symeonidou N., Leiponen A., Autio E., (2022). The origins of capabilities: resource allocation strategies, capability development, and the performance of new firms, Journal of Business Venturing, 37 (4) 106208.
Teirlinck P., Spithoven A., Bruneel J., (2022). R&D employment effects of financial slack generated by R&D tax exemption: the importance of firm-level contingencies, R&D management, 52 (1) 1-35.
Bruneel J., Gaeremynck A., Weemaes S., (2022). Outside board members and strategic orientation of new ventures in the startup phase, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 16 (4) 801-825.
Bruneel J., De Cock R., Bobelyn A., (2020). Making the lean start-up method work: the role of prior market experience, Journal of Small Business Management, 58 (5) 975-1002.
Bruneel J., Clarysse B., Bobelyn A., Wright M., (2020). Liquidity events and VC-backed academic spin-offs: the role of search alliances, Research Policy, 49 (10) 104035.
Staessens Matthias, Kerstens Pieterjan, Bruneel J., Cherchye Laurens, (2019). Data envelopment analysis and social enterprises: analysing performance, strategic orientation, and mission drift, Journal of Business Ethics, 159 (2) 325–341.
Bruneel J., Clarysse Bart, Staessens Matthias, Weemaes Stephan, (2018). Breaking with the past: the need for innovation in the governance of nonprofit social enterprises, Academy of Management Perspectives, 34 (2) 209-225.
Bruneel J., Clarysse Bart, Autio Erkko, (2018). The role of prior domestic experience and prior shared experience in young firm internationalization, International Small Business Journal, 36 (3) 265-284.
Symeonidou Noni, Bruneel J., (2017). Determinants, causal connections and outcomes in corporate technology licensing: a systematic review and research agenda, R&D management, 47 (4) 620-636.
Bruneel J., Spithoven André, Clarysse Bart, (2017). Interorganizational trust and technology complexity: evidence for new technology-based firms, Journal of Small Business Management, 55 (S1) 256-274.
Symeonidou Noni, Bruneel J., Autio Erkko, (2017). Commercialization strategy and internationalization outcomes in technology-based new ventures, Journal of Business Venturing, 32 (2) 302-317.
Bruneel J., De Cock Robin, (2016). Entry mode research and SMEs: a review and future research agenda, Journal of Small Business Management, 54 (S1) 135-167.
Bruneel J., D'Este Pablo, Salter Ammon, (2016). The impact of financial slack on explorative and exploitative knowledge sourcing from universities: evidence from the UK, Industrial and Corporate Change, 25 (4) 689-706.
Bruneel J., Fassin Yves, Stevens Robin, Moray Nathalie, (2016). Balancing competing logics in for-profit social enterprises: a need for hybrid governance, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 7 (3) 263-285.
Stevens Robin, Moray Nathalie, Bruneel J., Clarysse Bart, (2015). Attention allocation to multiple goals: the case of for-profit social enterprises, Strategic Management Journal, 36 (7) 1006-1016.
Stevens Robin, Moray Nathalie, Bruneel J., (2015). The social and economic mission of social enterprises: dimensions, measurement, validation, and relation, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 39 (5) 1051-1081.
Clarysse Bart, Wright Mike, Bruneel J., Mahajan Aarti, (2014). Creating value in ecosystems: crossing the chasm between knowledge and business ecosystems, Research Policy, 43 (7) 1164-1176.
Bruneel J., Van de Velde Els, Clarysse Bart, (2013). Impact of the type of corporate spin-off on growth, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 37 (4) 943-959.
Bruneel J., Van de Velde Els, Clarysse Bart, Gemmel Paul, (2012). Improving the success of radical innovation projects within established firms: engaging employees across different hierarchal levels, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 24 (9) 951-965.
Bruneel J., Clarysse Bart, Wright Mike, (2011). Explaining growth paths of young technology-based firms: structuring resource portfolios in different competitive environments, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 5 (2) 137-157.
Bruneel J., D'Este Pablo, Salter Ammon, (2010). Investigating the fators that diminish the barriers to industry-university collaboration, Research Policy, 39 858-868.
Bruneel J., Yli-Renko Helena, Clarysse Bart, (2010). Learning from experience and learning from others: how congenital and interorganizational learning substitute for experiential learning in young firm internationalization, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 4 (2) 164-182.
Clarysse Bart, Bruneel J., (2007). Nurturing and growing innovative start-ups: the role of policy as integrator, R&D management, 37 (2) 139-149.