
IÉSEG’s AMBA accreditation renewed for the maximum length of 5 years

AMBAIÉSEG School of Management is pleased to announce that it has received the renewal of its AMBA (The Association of MBAs) accreditation for the maximum length of 5 years. The School thus holds the three main international accreditations (EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA), each for the maximum length of 5 years.

Jean-Philippe Ammeux, Director of IÉSEG, noted, “Less than 1% of business schools in the world hold this ‘triple crown’ of international accreditations. Today, with the maximum-length renewal of all of its international accreditations, IÉSEG confirms the academic excellence of its programs. With this latest 5 year AMBA accreditation, our Executive MBA and International MBA figure amongst the best MBAs offered on an international level.”

AMBA uses rigorous evaluation criteria to evaluate individual programs (MBAs, DBAs, and Masters in business and management) rather than whole institutions. IÉSEG has been re-accredited for three of its programs: the Executive MBA, the International MBA, and the Master of Science (MSc) in International Business.

The auditors highlighted for example:
•    IÉSEG’s close relations with its partner companies (for example at La Défense – the Paris business district);
•    its ability to implement its 2025 vision “to be a unique international hub empowering changemakers for a better society” with strong involvement from its governance and academic faculty;
•    its ability to attract quality students on an international level, who then become engaged alumni (in School life);
•    and the pedagogical quality of the programs evaluated, and noted that some elements can be considered as ‘best practices’.

For more information about the AMBA accreditation:

For more information about the three IÉSEG programs accredited by AMBA:

Timeline of prior international accreditations at IÉSEG


– Renewal of the AMBA accreditation (for 5 years)


– Renewal of  EQUIS accreditation (for 5 years)

– Renewal of the AACSB accreditation (for 5 years)


– Obtention of the international AMBA accreditation (for 3 years)


– Renewal of the EQUIS accreditation (for 3 years)


– Obtention of the international AACSB accreditation (for 5 years)


– Obtention of the international EQUIS accreditation (for 3 years)