
Graduation ceremony (Grande École program) and Pre-graduation ceremony

More than 2,400 people (graduates, students, and their families…) gathered on Saturday, May 19th at La Défense (Paris) for the graduation ceremony (Grande École program) and a pre-graduation ceremony for the Bachelor in International Business and ‘Postgraduate’ program students (Masters of Science, MBA ..).

This event was sponsored by Danone, represented by Bruno de Fougeroux, (General Director Danone Water France & Benelux), an IÉSEG Alumni.

Aremise-des-diplomesfter 5 years together, the students of the 49th promotion received their Programme Grande École diploma from: M. Fougeroux; Marc Delozanne, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at IÉSEG (represented by Stéphane Champetier de Ribes); Nicolas Messio, President, IÉSEG Network (alumni association); Jean-Philippe Ammeux, Director of IÉSEG, and Caroline Roussel, Academic Dean.

During the Ceremony, Danone announced the winning students of a product and brand innovation Challenge organized with the company. About 400 students in the second year of the Grande Ecole program recently worked on innovation challenges for different dairy brands.

The graduation was preceded by a “pre-graduation” ceremony for students who are soon completing their Bachelor in international Business and postgraduate program (Master of Science or their International MBA). These programs, all taught in English, attract students from more than 50 different nationalities.

Congratulations again to all our graduates of the 49th class/promotion and to the postgraduate/BIB students who will soon join the IÉSEG Alumni network!