
Discover IÉSEG Insights, the new knowledge website developed by IÉSEG

IÉSEG today launches IÉSEG Insights, a new website that has been developed to share and disseminate the results of the research and expertise of the School’s faculty. IÉSEG Insights aims to help provide keys to understanding an increasingly complex, volatile and uncertain world and to be a platform for inspiration and reflection for the business world, students and the academic world.

IÉSEG Insights, at the heart of the School’s new strategic plan

IÉSEG, like any higher education institution, has a responsibility in terms of knowledge creation, research and innovation. Inspiring young people by disseminating cutting-edge research in the classroom, and inspiring companies and organizations by co-creating solutions with them to meet their main challenges is essential and a fundamental part of the School’s mission.

This responsibility is also the foundation of the School’s new strategic plan “Inspire – Connect – Transform”. IÉSEG wants to establish itself as a hub of collective intelligence supporting entrepreneurship and innovation in order to respond to the environmental, social, societal and economic challenges that the world is currently facing and will face in the years to come.

For Caroline ROUSSEL, the School’s Dean, “IÉSEG Insights is fully in line with our strategic plan, focused on the quality of training and research, at the service of young people, companies and society. The website makes available to all stakeholders, and in particular to decision-makers in the economic and political spheres, the knowledge produced by the cutting-edge research of our experts and professors, in fields as varied as CSR and sustainability, artificial intelligence and Big Data, ethics, finance, marketing, strategy, management, entrepreneurship… This new ‘Resource Center’ will offer quality content in French and in English, also from an interdisciplinary logic, to feed public debate and contribute to transforming our society.

Articles, videos, podcasts and biographies: a rich variety of content

InsightsIÉSEG Insights already gathers around 200 articles and nearly 50 videos and podcasts in English and/or French. Experts and professors from the School share their analyses and work, respond to social issues, and project themselves into the world of tomorrow.

To enable users to search and find information easily, content is organized into a series of categories (public policy, CSR, management, Big Data, finance etc.) but also by keywords, via a system of tags.

Articles, videos, podcasts are also enriched with the biography of the contributor(s), as IÉSEG Insights will also serve as a directory of the School’s experts, who are available to explain and share their research with the media, with public and private organizations, or during public debates.


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