
IÉSEG launches « Big Data & Digital Banking » Chair with the support of Crédit Agricole Nord de France

Crédit Agricole Nord de FranceIÉSEG and Crédit Agricole Nord de France have announced the launch of the « Big Data-Digital Banking » Chair that will incorporate an applied research program developed by the School and its Center for Marketing Analytics, ICMA.

The research program will include an innovative project focusing on the contribution of big data to customer relation management and digital marketing. A doctoral candidate’s work will focus on enriching and exploiting anonymized data to explore and improve the customer experience (and which is carried out in the framework of the company’s charter of ethics relating to data).

In addition to his research on business models relating to ‘connected insurance’ and the take up of ‘connected objects’, Yvon Moysan, a lecturer in digital marketing at IÉSEG, is leading a series of workshops with Crédit Agricole Nord de France and different entities of the Crédit Agricole Group. These are designed to help participants share best practices and experience on topics related to digital banking (connected objects, big data…).  They will also permit exchanges and reflections on these topics and will help facilitate the transition between the research topics and the operational roll out of initiatives in the future.

logo_site “Big Data is creating new opportunities to serve customers and bank employees better. Applications include the customization of client services, fraud detection, and improved customer advice. We are delighted to bring the analytical expertise of ICMA to this Chair which is supported by Crédit Agricole”, explain Dr. Koen De Bock and Dr. Kristof Coussement, marketing professors at IESEG and co-directors of ICMA.

In terms of educational opportunities, the Chair will support the future development of the Master of Science in “Big Data Analytics for Business” which this year welcomes more than 20 participants.

“We are delighted to expand our longstanding collaboration with Crédit Agricole Nord de France. Such projects, developed with businesses,  are essential for disseminating innovative knowledge and for developing academic expertise that responds to current business challenges. Chairs such as these also help to develop the learning experience for students and managers who come to IÉSEG, ” explains Sophie Guérin, Director of Corporate Relations at IÉSEG.

“Crédit Agricole Nord de France is deighted to support IÉSEG’s new Big Data – Digital Banking Chair. The Chair will explore the uses of datascience in its scientific dimensions (applied statistics and machine learning), marketing and ethics. The ability of IÉSEG to conduct applied transdisciplinary research, in particular by cooperating with the law faculty and ethicists from the Université Catholique de Lille, is particularly rewarding for students, teachers and businesses, and will be profitable, we hope, for customers, “notes Thierry Lebrun, from Crédit Agricole Nord de France.