
IÉSEG launches an online course (SPOC) to help students understand and prevent sexist and sexual violence

Starting mid-September, all first-year IÉSEG Grande Ecole, Bachelor in International Business, and International Business and Law double degree students will follow a new online course, designed by the School to help them to understand and prevent sexist and sexual violence.

This Small Private Online Course (SPOC), entitled Understanding and preventing sexist and sexual violence, is part of the School’s engagement, already in place for a number of years now, to support and lead prevention activities for students related to different types of discrimination and violence*.

“At IÉSEG, we feel that it is our duty to inform and raise awareness with students about these issues. That is why the School has signed La Charte de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles pour l’égalité Femmes-Hommes (the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles charter for equality between women and men). It is also why the School has committed itself to supporting and leading prevention activities for students,” explained Coline Briquet, co-referent for Egalité Femmes-Hommes, who developed this SPOC with the CETI (Center for Educational and Technological Innovation – center dedicated to innovative pedagogy at IÉSEG).

“We hope that this module, specifically designed for our students, will allow them to better understand these types of violence, and what to do if they are witnesses or victims. We are all responsible for and affected by the prevention of discrimination and violence. Together, we all need to look after and ensure everyone’s well-being and respect.”

The new training module will combine different pedagogical tools, such as videos and articles, along with questionnaires and role-playing to reinforce this active learning. Following an introduction to the issues of sexist and sexual violence in the world of higher education, the module is divided into four parts:

• Understanding violence (what is sexist and sexual violence? What is the difference between an insult, harassment, and hazing?)
• Consent
• What myths and prejudices still surround us in regards to these subjects?
• What to do when confronted by violence and how to help a friend who is a victim

At the end of the module, each student will fill out a questionnaire that will allow the module to be improved for the future.

Update on November 17, 2020 :

Results of the SPOC :

  • 1251 students have already validated the module.
  • Out of 700 students who completed the satisfaction survey:

-Globally, 96 % of students say that they are satisfied or very satisfied with this module.

  • 83 % feel this course has improved their knowledge on the topic.
  • 95 % consider that it is important that Higher Education Institutions should provide resources and information to students on this topic.
  • 94 % agree that this course should become compulsory for all students.
  • 58 % had never had any course or information session on the topic before.
  • 80 % like the online format. If 65 % consider that 2h30 is an adequate duration, 11% would have appreciated an even longer version.

Feedback from students:

  • “The course was very clear and informative. What I liked the most was the fact that we constantly had documents to refer to in every question. The documents were very well picked, well structured and educate us more about the topic.”
  • “I liked the diversity of sources and links that were provided (videos, texts, websites, key facts and figures, etc.). Everything was very clear and precisely addressed. (…) This type of video shows us exactly how to react to different situations and I think that it is very helpful.”