
Find your Chritmas gifts with IÉSEG Network’s catalogue

Like every year, IÉSEG Network, the IÉSEG alumni association, publishes its Entrepreneurs’ Christmas catalogue.

Divided into 7 categories (beauty, wellness, home decoration, gastronomy, leisure, fashion and solidarity), 69 entrepreneurs (students, graduates and collaborators) of the School invite you to discover their passion through their products or services and demonstrate once again their uniqueness and creativity.

Laëtitia DUGRAIN-NOEL, director of the association, explains that “The entrepreneurial spirit at IÉSEG is constantly growing and more and more graduates are taking the entrepreneurial step. Our entrepreneurs put all their heart and passion into designing and imagining high quality products and services, and we are very proud to be able to promote them through this catalogue which features 69 entrepreneurs from the network – students or alumni of the School. Discover their gift ideas to slip under the tree… No doubt you will be as amazed as we are when you discover them!”

Discover the catalogue :