
Student Founders Night: an inspirational evening that embodies IÉSEG values

On February 15, 2024, IÉSEG hosted the launch of a new event in the world of entrepreneurship: the first edition of “Student Founders Night”. This groundbreaking initiative, the result of a collaboration between IÉSEG and “Founders Night“, brought together students (from IÉSEG but also from other schools), entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship enthusiasts, for an evening rich in inspiration and exchange.

Originally a Parisian movement, Founders Night has quickly established itself as a must-attend event for aspiring entrepreneurs. Founded 18 months ago by Martin Crégut, the event has created a real momentum around entrepreneurship, offering evenings of informal networking and presentations of innovative projects. What sets Founders Night apart is its inclusive, collaborative approach to entrepreneurship, where competition plays no part. The emphasis is on exchange, mutual support and showcasing the most daring initiatives. Thanks to this philosophy, Founders Night has attracted the attention and support of a wide audience, and rapidly extended its influence beyond the French borders, with editions organized in Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Montreal and Barcelona.

The goal of the first edition of “Student Founders Night” was clear: to provide a space for the innovative minds of tomorrow to meet and share ideas. From 6.30pm, the doors of the IÉSEG amphitheatre in Lille opened to welcome around 150 people.

Student Founders Night
Student Founders Night

One of the highlights of the evening was a series of pitches. Seven student entrepreneurs told their stories about their entrepreneurial quest and the projects they are currently working on and hope to bring to fruition. Various initiatives were highlighted, such as “Solly”, a debit card for homeless people, developed by Tim DEGUETTE (ESupCom student), or “Holiv”, proposed by Imène ZORGATI (IÉSEG student), which aims to make the search for accommodation safer and less intimidating for international students.

The founders of “La Tête dans le Guidon” came to present their young, dynamic medium, based on a passion for cycling. By combining journalism, digital communication, reporting and entertainment, it offers organizations the chance to boost their visibility.

“Student Founders Night: a top-notch experience! It was the first time my brother Grégoire and I had ever pitched together, and we loved sharing our experience with other entrepreneurs and future ones. The atmosphere was super friendly and each project was unique and interesting. Thank you for the organization. We can’t wait for the next edition!”

Antoine STROHL, IÉSEG graduate and co-creator of “La Tête dans le Guidon”.

Speeches by inspiring alumni also set the pace for the evening, offering participants enriching perspectives on entrepreneurship. Antoine Godfroy, IÉSEG graduate and CEO & Founder of Sleeq, came up on stage to share with honesty his personal story behind entrepreneurship.

Following the presentations, it was time for discussions and networking. Participants had the opportunity to chat with the project leaders, exchange ideas and find potential collaborations.

Elina Cohen-Peirano, IÉSEG graduate and Managing Director of “Student Founders Night”, comments on the success of the event: “The organization was flawless, and the collaboration with IÉSEG went very well. We received extremely positive feedback from both the public and participants. The event was also the occasion for an exclusive announcement of a new IÉSEG initiative: the launch of a special track dedicated to entrepreneurs right from the Bachelor’s level, underlining our shared commitment to student entrepreneurship.”

By combining its expertise in student entrepreneurship with the reputation and diversity of its network, IÉSEG is helping to give a new dimension to “Founders Night”. This first joint event created a bridge between students and the wider entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Hauts-de-France region, offering unprecedented opportunities for collaboration and inspiration.

“Student Founders Night” is more than just an evening: it’s the embodiment of a new generation of entrepreneurs, driven by the desire to create, innovate and change the world. With its spirit of openness, audacity and solidarity, it embodies the fundamental values of IÉSEG and “Founders Night”, and marks the beginning of a new era for student entrepreneurship.