
« The Economist Sustainability Week » : IÉSEG renews its partnership for the 2024 edition

After the success of the 2023 edition, which brought together over 1,000 people from 43 different countries over 2 days, IÉSEG will once again be partnering “The Economist Sustainability Week“, which this year takes place from March 4 to 6 (in London and online).

A partnership in line with the School’s Vision and Strategic Plan

A key event in terms of sustainable development and social responsibility, this partnership is in line with the School’s Vision and its 2022-2027 Strategic Plan. Indeed, IÉSEG wants to position itself as a responsible organization and intends to contribute to public reflection and debate on sustainability in all its dimensions.

Once again this year, IÉSEG will be the only higher education establishment partnering the event, alongside prestigious companies such as BCG, SAP, Schneider Electric, GeoPost and many others.

“The Economist Sustainability Week”‘s 2024 theme is “Sustaining planet and profit“. Leading figures from the world of business and finance, political decision-makers and associations/ONGs will be sharing their best practices on themes as important as decarbonizing business and industry, financing Net Zero, supply chains and circularity, innovative technology and adaptation, and biodiversity and natural capital.

Maria CASTILLO, one of the key-speakers of the panel about “Climate Leaders”

On the occasion of “The Economist Sustainability Week”, which all Master in Management for Sustainability students will attend as part of their academic curriculum, Maria CASTILLO, Director of Social and Environmental Impact at IÉSEG, will take part in a round table discussion on “Climate leaders: building a fit-for-purpose workforce.
What does the next generation of sustainability leaders look like? How are educational institutions and recruiters responding to the expanding scope of roles in the field? What changes are being made to curriculums? How are current workforces being reskilled to improve their knowhow in sustainability matters? These are some of the questions Maria CASTILLO will be answering on this panel.

To attend « The Economist Sustainability Week », click here.