

Alice Ghelli

MSc Digital Marketing & CRM


Before coming to IÉSEG, I completed a Bachelor program in Business Administration and Management at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy.

I chose IÉSEG for two main reasons: the school’s position in the international rankings, and the fact that I wanted to pursue my studies in France.

I decided to enroll in the MSc in Digital Marketing & CRM as I believe that marketing will be totally digital driven in the future and this program would enable me to acquire the necessary skills.

I really enjoyed the New Trends and Technologies course, which gave me a broad overview of all latest digital trends, including how they evolve over time and the potential opportunities and threats they provide.  I also really liked the CRM and Big Data courses as they helped me to better understand the link between CRM and Big Data from a marketing perspective.

The Career Support Program was also very helpful. The highly involved coaches and their knowledge of the French job market, prepares students well for interviews and shows them how to network effectively.

I will do my internship for an online travel agency (OTA).

Published on: November 27, 2018