
Aristotelis DEMIRTZIS

MSc in Finance, 2016


I have had a strong interest in working in the financial sector since the beginning of my academic life. After completing my bachelor in applied economics, I decided to apply for the MSc in Finance at IÉSEG. I based my decision on several criteria :

  • the great reputation of the school,
  • the curriculum,
  • and the feedback of students that had already completed this program.

My expectations with this course have been exceeded. The knowledge of the professors, a curriculum which is adapted to the contemporary financial world, along with the multiple opportunities that Paris region offers, have all contributed to a unique experience.

This program has enabled me to be a highly competitive candidate for the jobs I’m looking at in the financial sector. Already, a great opportunity in the investment banking sector has come up, providing me with the chance to kick-start my career.

Published on: November 8, 2016