

Blessing OKORO

International MBA 2017


What were you doing before you came to IÉSEG?

Before choosing to come to IÉSEG, I had gained 3 years of experience as a Management Consultant and an Auditor, having worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Lagos, Nigeria, and previously with Ernst & Young.


Why did you choose IÉSEG for your MBA?

I chose the school because of the positive testimonials of students, the high ranking among business schools, its location in Paris, and its courses offered in English. I always had the career dream of doing my MBA degree, because this is a great way of attaining career acceleration and recognition as a business professional.


Have your expectations been fulfilled?

Before arriving at IÉSEG, my expectations were essentially quality education, international experience, and excellence in course delivery. And yes, they were fulfilled, and more.

I would say the most enjoyable bit was working with colleagues from 18 different countries of the world.  We cooperated with one another, regardless of our background, skills, and experiences. Our strength in diversity made it enjoyable.


What have been your favourite courses and what you have enjoyed most?

In terms of academic courses, People and Organizations, International Marketing, and Innovation Management were my favourite courses. Firstly, because of the passion and dedication of the Professors. Secondly, the novelty of the teaching methods, using informative texts and real case studies. Finally, for me, it was the first time taking two of those courses, which meant that I gained additional knowledge.

On a personal level, the launch of my book, They Told Us to Dream, on May 9, 2018, was also a high point for me. It was amazing having the support of the School’s Communications Department, my fellow MBA students, the multi-cultural book club, and the whole school community.


Could you please tell us some more about your post MBA internship and your career plans post MBA?

My internship was a career breakthrough period for me. I must state that I took the MBA year to transit into a different career path. The company I did my internship was the exact industry I wanted to transition into (advertising and digital marketing) – it was a successful creative agency in Paris. I had the responsibilities of communication and brand development, which was a great way of learning and contributing at the same time. I gained a lot of specialized expertise in social listening, creative campaign management, digital marketing, communication, social media analytics, and more, all in just 6 months.

I really see the MBA experience as a rocket launch for me with regards to owning my own media strategy company, which I’m planning to create soon.

Published on: June 18, 2019