
Founded in 1964, IÉSEG School of Management is a freestanding business school and a fully independent nonprofit organisation governed by a Board of Trustees. Under the terms of the French law, it is incorporated as an “Association Loi 1901”.

IÉSEG is member of the Université Catholique de Lille. The school enjoys full autonomy, but takes advantage of shared resources and student services such as library facilities, cafeterias and accommodation.

The Board of Trustees

The primary governing body of the School is the Board of Trustees. Most of the members are Executives in major national and international corporations such as Auchan Group, Capgemini and Cisco Systems. The Board of Trustees performs a key oversight function and defines the School’s strategy and objectives with the support of the International Advisory Board and Management Board.

Discover the Board of Trustees

The Management Board

The Management Board contributes to the smooth running of the School and ensures its sustainability. It is also responsible for designing the general policy of IÉSEG and implementing it in the different departments and services.

Discover the Management Board

The International Advisory Board (IAB)

The members of the International Advisory Board are senior business or academic figures. They bring their global perspective to bear on IÉSEG’s strategy and development by providing advice and support.

Discover the International Advisory Board

Professional Advisory Boards (PABs)

The School has set up Professional Advisory Boards for the main management disciplines that are made up of top corporate executives and IÉSEG professors. Their objective is to help IÉSEG continuously adapt the content of the School’s program to the changing needs of the corporate world and ensure that they reflect current professional practice. They also serve as a link between IÉSEG’s faculty and the corporate world.