Events Department Management and Society

[Research Seminar] ‘Both Sides of Cloud: More Standardized Tools and More Data Analytics’

18 April 2024    Paris
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[Research Seminar] Management & Society: “Hybridity spillovers: Legitimacy pressures and crowdfunded microloans” M. RENKO

17 May 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Management & Society: “From data to coding to contribution: The craft of developing publishable inductive research” K. CORLEY – Imperical College London

20 April 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Management & Society: “The link between well-being and burnout, and recovery experiences for entrepreneurs” R. THURIK

01 December 2022    Lille / Online
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[Research Seminar] Management & Society: “Building the right project portfolio: career consequences of content and collaboration specialization” F. DE STEFANO -HEC

20 October 2022    Paris / Online
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