
[Research Seminar] Management & Society: “From data to coding to contribution: The craft of developing publishable inductive research” K. CORLEY – Imperical College London

Speaker: Kevin CORLEY
Imperial College London 

Date and Location – Thursday April 20th 2022 from 14:30 to 16:30
in Paris campus (P400) and on Zoom



While the prospects of getting a qualitative research paper accepted at our top Management journals have improved greatly over the past decade, the challenge is still pronounced. With traditional acceptance rates around 7%, having your paper accepted can seem daunting; add in the intricacies and complexities of doing high quality inductive research and the outlook can seem downright discouraging. And yet, there are key factors that can improve your chances at publication, especially in relation to the development and presentation of a significant theoretical contribution. Using my experiences as an Associate Editor at AMJ and JMI, as well as an author and reviewer at AMJ, ASQ, and Org Science, I want to delve into these success factors, including coverage of some important “what to do’s” and “what not to do’s” when writing and submitting your qualitative paper. The objective of the workshop, thus, is to examine how to better develop and present an empirically grounded theoretical contribution, as well as to gain insights into the editorial and review processes at our top Management journals, such that you can increase your chances of receiving an invitation for revise & resubmit on your next inductive research submission.

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