
[Research Seminar] IFLAME: “The causal impact of socio-emotional skills training on educational success” G. SORRENTI – University of Amsterdam

Speaker: Giuseppe SORRENTI
University of Amsterdam

Date and Location – Thursday October 20th 2022 from 12:00 to 13:30
in Paris campus (P400) and on Zoom



We study the long-term effects of a randomized intervention targeting children’s socio-emotional skills. The classroom-based intervention for primary school children has positive impacts that persist for over a decade. Treated children become more likely to complete academic high school and enroll in university. Two mechanisms drive these results. Treated children show fewer ADHD symptoms: they are less impulsive and less disruptive.

They also attain higher grades, but they do not score higher on standardized tests. The long-term effects on educational attainment thus appear to be driven by changes in socio-emotional skills rather than cognitive skills.

Keywords: Socio-emotional skills, randomized intervention, child development, school tracking

JEL classification: C93, I21, I24, I26, J24

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