
(in alphabetical order)

Hami Amiraslani
Doctoral Researcher in Accounting
London School of Economics
Hami Amiraslani’s research focuses on the contracting role of financial accounting information, debt security design and credit ratings. He is a research associate at the Systemic Risk Centre and is currently completing his doctoral research in accounting at the London School of Economics. Prior to academia, he worked in the City of London in the area of structuring and managing international loan syndications. Mr. Amiraslani holds an MRes in Finance and Accounting from Cass Business School and an MSc in International Accounting and Finance from the LSE.
Anne Beatty
Deloitte & Touche Chair in Accounting
Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University
Professor Beatty’s research focuses on the importance of accounting in debt contracting and in bank capital regulation. She serves as an Editor of The Accounting Review, as an Associate Editor of Management Science and Journal of Accounting & Economics, and is an editorial board member of Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, and Journal of Applied Finance. Professor Beatty is the recipient of a Sloan Foundation Industry Center fellowship, and has served as the president of the American Accounting Association Financial Reporting Section.
Peter Demerjian
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Foster School of Business, Washington University
Professor Demerjian’s research expertise covers topics relating to debt contracting-usefulness of accounting information, fair value and debt contracting, and the economic drivers of debt contract standardization. He joined the Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington in 2013 after being an assistant professor at Emory Univeristy, and holds a PhD from the University of Michigan. Professor Demerjian published work in The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Management Science.
Osman Sattar
Director, Accounting Specialist
Standard & Poors, London
Mr. Sattar is a Director (Accounting Specialist) for the Financial Institutions group of Europe, Middle East and Africa at Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services. His responsibilities include providing focused IFRS training for credit analysts across EMEA, and considering the impact of changes in IFRS on S&P’s ratings criteria. He is also a key part of S&P’s outreach efforts to the IASB, FASB, and regulators. Mr. Sattar is a member of the IASB Capital Markets Advisory Committee, and also serves as a member of the Corporate Reporting Users’ Forum banking group and the FSB’s Enhanced Disclosure Task Force (EDTF).
Florin Vasvari
Associate Professor of Accounting
London Business School
Professor Vasvari’s research expertise comprises various aspects of debt contracting such as the debt-contracting value of accounting information and the informational role of bond analysts. He holds a PhD in Accounting from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Professor Vasvari published work in The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, and Accounting, Organisations and Society. He serves as an associate editor at The European Accounting Review, and is editorial board member of The Accounting Review and Contemporary Accounting Research.