
2023 Corporate Summer Day: “Teamwork, a resource to be cultivated in companies”

Every year, IÉSEG organizes its Corporate Summer Day, an ideal event just before the summer vacations to take a step back and reflect on a topical issue. This year’s theme is: “Teamwork, a resource to be cultivated in companies”, and will provide an opportunity to analyze the levers of a collective culture in the company and its importance in boosting performance. It will also be an opportunity to explore other facets of the collective in management, such as entrepreneurship or access to luxury products thanks to new collective actions.

Collective entrepreneurship and teams

France already had more than 1 million startups in 2021 and entrepreneurship and startups have taken an increasingly important place in the country’s economic landscape. As part of our next Corporate Summer Day, Professor Cyrine BEN-HAFAÏEDH will lead a round table (in French) on entrepreneurial teams – an important theme because entrepreneurship is by its nature a “collective” endeavor. Ahead of this event, she explains the importance of collective dynamics in the world of entrepreneurship and offers some advice for the creation of entrepreneurial teams. She also discusses the thorny question of how founders divide new firm equity.
Read her interview here.

Restoring a taste for team spirit, the key to lasting engagement at work

A recent survey* of over 1,000 French working people shows that, even if individualism has become more widespread since the health crisis, employees still feel very committed to their own team. For 8 out of 10 working people, this ‘small collective’ is useful, enabling them to coordinate, collaborate and perform better, learn and develop…As part of our Corporate Summer Day, Bernard Coulaty (former HR Director and now an Academic Director at IESEG) will lead a round-table discussion on the role of teams in creating lasting engagement for companies. Ahead of the round table, he shares his thoughts on this key theme.
Read it here.

Luxury and the second-hand market: serving ‘dreams’ and responsibility

As part of the Corporate Summer Day, Gwarlann DE KERVILER, Professor of Marketing, will lead a round table discussion* on luxury and the second-hand market, a sector that has been growing rapidly in recent years. Ahead of this event, she shares her thoughts on the development of this market and the key factors for luxury brands wishing to offer second-hand or rental products.
A discussion to read here.