
IÉSEG and the Ceetrus Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs reward the 2023 Créenso Prize winners

On May 23, 2023, during a ceremony organized on the School’s Paris-La Défense campus, IÉSEG and the Ceetrus Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs rewarded the winners of the 2023 Créenso Prize. This National Prize dedicated to social entrepreneurs aims to reward and promote the innovative and economically viable projects of men and women who created social businesses or start-ups.

First, 10 social enterprises were selected by a jury of professionals and students in order to benefit from the support and skills of one or two IÉSEG students from the Grande École Program. 14 students assisted those 10 social entrepreneurs in one of the major areas of their program, according to the needs of the project (Marketing, Communication, Audit, Management Control , Human Resources, Management, etc.).

Then, on Tuesday, May 23, in order to win one of the 2 Trophees, endowed with a total amount of €30,000 by the Ceetrus Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, the 10 entrepreneurs pitched their project in front of a jury composed of corporates and SSE experts (Social and Solidarity Economy).

Prix Créenso 2023


The 2023 Créenso Prize, worth €25,000, was awarded to Ville à Joie, a start-up founded by Marius DRIGNY. This company organizes rural tours throughout France to bring, on a regurlar and itinerant basis, shops, public and health services, and events to the heart of villages that no longer have them, in order to recreate social ties.

The « Coup de Cœur du jury » (special prize), worth €5,000, was awarded to Wallbreaker, founded by Morgane KEROMNES and based in Amiens (North of France). This company trains and hire inmates to repair small household appliances. A work integration studio is located in the heart of the Amiens remand center. There, inmates repair devices sent to after-sales service or intended to be thrown away.

IÉSEG and the Ceetrus Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs congratulate the winners and the 10 finalist companies and look forward to seeing you next year for the 13th edition of the Créenso Prize!