
CAZAHE: be unique this summer!

Summer is just around the corner and finding swimwear that blend style, quality, and sustainability can be a daunting task. But CAZAHE swimwear is here to help you with its unique and limited-edition pieces. The co-founder, Valentina ZAMBRANO VACCA, also a student at IÉSEG, tells us everything we want to know!

Can you briefly introduce yourself?


I am from Cali, Colombia. I started my studies there and then I decided to move to Europe to complete a Master’s degree. I found out about the Master in International Business of IÉSEG, which seemed to match my needs. And I’m very happy with my choice! I am currently looking for an internship before graduating.

What’s the story behind CAZAHE?

I launched the brand with a friend of mine while I was still a student in Colombia, in 2021. The name “CAZAHE” is the fusion of our last names. We wanted to design a product representing our personalities but also representing Colombia abroad. In my home country, it is always summertime, the weather is warm and sunny most of the time, and we always wear shorts and swimwear in our free time. So, the bikini is really part of the culture there. When I came to Europe, I “brought” CAZAHE with me to introduce the brand to the European market. Our product is a combination of our personalities (for the creative side) and of our knowledge (the business and analytical side that we have nurtured in class).

What sets CAZAHE apart?

CAZAHE is a premium brand with high standards – we use exclusively high-quality material to ensure the quality of our final product and the satisfaction of our customers. Moreover, the bikinis are handmade in Colombia. The colors of our products are shiny and make reference to a resource that is much exploited in Colombia: gold. We really try to stay true to our Colombian roots. Every collection is meticulously curated, ensuring that only a limited number of pieces are available, thus you know that when you go to the beach, you will not see anyone else with the same bikini as yours! Furthermore, CAZAHE is a sustainable brand in that we use fabric from recycled plastic whenever possible, and we always make sure to source materials that don’t require a lot of water in their fabrication process.

So, CAZAHE is handmade?


Yes! We started from scratch, and it was quite an adventure because we were not professional designers. At the beginning, it was very hard to find suppliers for the fabric and dressmakers. We even took classes of sewing patterns and learned to cut the fabric by ourselves before providing it to the dressmakers for sewing. We were very much involved in the production of the product.

How do you communicate about your brand?

The main sales and communication channel is social media, especially Instagram and our website CAZAHE.COM. However, we know that when it comes to buying swimwear, people prefer to see it in real life and touch it in order to experience it as it should be. That’s why we have also organized multiple showrooms in cities such as Barcelona, Paris and New York. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet with people, tell our story and answer their questions. We usually take this chance to give a taste of Colombian culture by serving Colombian food and drinks; it’s a friendly moment!

How did you manage to transfer from the Colombian market to the European market?

It was a challenge, but it was worth it! Of course, we had to do some research to adapt to this new market. As an example, in South America, the shape of a “standard” bikini is different from the one in France or in Europe. Here, women like to be more covered. So, we had to redesign all of our products to match the preferences of European women.


CAZAHE is a partner of “Saving the Amazon”, can you tell us more?

Saving the Amazon” is an NGO that fights against climate change and deforestation by planting trees. We decided to get involved and partner with them through our newest collection in order to help with protecting the environment. For every swimwear sold, a tree is planted by the association.

Do your studies at IÉSEG help you for the development of CAZAHE?

Yes, absolutely! When I first started with CAZAHE, I felt that I was lacking some knowledge about market study, audience targeting… Joining IÉSEG was a game changer! I chose the Master in International Business, which is pretty broad in terms of areas of business covered. It has allowed me to develop my skills and knowledge in marketing, strategy, economics,… I particularly enjoyed the marketing courses – the professor was amazing, and the content was truly relevant to me. What’s more, we often have to come up with a concrete project to work on during classes, so it was perfect for me: I was able work on my own brand in the framework of my studies.