
[Alumni Story] Florence SAVARY, Data Analyst: data makes her tick!

Florence SAVARY (who graduated the Grande École Program in 2010) is one of the rare alumni to have enrolled at IÉSEG twice! In 2017, after seven years in sales, she went back to School for a Master in Big Data Analytics for Business. As a result, she came out with much more than a degree: she got a whole new career full of numbers and challenges that she takes in her stride by using her interpersonal skills, her analytical ability, and her love of statistics. This is an inspirational story…

What was your aim when you returned to your studies?
After years of working in sales, I was ready for a change, so I did a skills assessment which highlighted my love of statistics, market research, and IT. I discovered the role of data analyst when I talked to some people working in the field who confirmed my plans were achievable, provided I got the appropriate training. I was lucky enough to find the Master in Big Data Analytics for Business at IÉSEG, which enabled me to fill in the technical gaps in my knowledge without having to repeat courses I had already taken seven years earlier.

How would you sum up this period?
I loved it! I was more motivated since I had a specific goal to aim for. Just as well since the intensity of the program required a significant investment in terms of effort! The other people on the course were international and from very varied backgrounds with students coming from different business sectors. I really learned a lot working in a group with them. The training allowed me to get a good grounding in coding, statistics and data analysis – skills that helped me achieve my career goal!

What job are you doing now?
I am a business intelligence consultant (data analyst). This consists of producing data visualisations that are then analysed by decision-makers to extract useful information for their projects. For example, I may be required to consolidate a company’s personnel data to help HR understand the evolution of their workforce. My former sales position is also an asset since it helps me understand the economic realities, expectations and daily life of my customers.

What advice would you give to all those interested in data?
First of all, getting in touch with people working in that field was invaluable to me in understanding the challenges, the insand-outs of the sector and then targeting the appropriate training or the right position. Also, take the time to sign up for a few MOOCs on the subject to get an initial overview. In my case, it was when I started coding that I knew I was on the right track…

A few more details about the Master in Big Data Analytics for Business

The Master in Big Data Analytics for Business is a three-semester program taught entirely in English which aims to train experts in data analysis for the digital marketing, finance and operations sector.
It enabled Florence to start a new career and join Exakis Nelite, the first independent Microsoft pure-player partner in France, as a data analyst. Spread across 13 agencies, its 600 specialist Microsoft consultants offer complete solutions to their clients.

This article was written by Luna Créations for IÉSEG Network’s magazine, IÉS #14.