
IÉSEG’s Master in Entrepreneurship obtains the ‘Grade de Master’ from the Ministry of Higher Education

The Commission d’Evaluation des Formations et Diplômes de Gestion (CEFDG) of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research has recently granted IÉSEG the ‘Grade de Master’ for its Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

As such, students will be awarded, at the end of their academic career, the Diploma of Specialized Studies in International Management (DESMI) with the mention of their specialization (as from now on for all the 12 Specialized Masters offered by the School) as well as the Master of Science Entrepreneurship and Innovation delivered by Loughborough University.

The Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation aims to develop students’ ability to understand and critically reflect on the importance of an entrepreneurial spirit. They will learn to assess the various factors that impact the success of new ventures, as well as the driving forces behind innovation processes. This unique double degree program offers an enriching multicultural experience and allows students to develop critical skills to lead change in existing companies or to develop their own start-up.

The program uses practice-based learning to provide insight into the complexity of the business and innovation process. The modules cover a wide range of areas, such as “Technology entrepreneurship”, “Creative business modelling”, “Design thinking”, “Entrepreneurial funding” and “Innovation management”. Students will also have to carry out an entrepreneurial group project, notably in collaboration with the IÉSEG Incubator.

The awarding of the Master’s Degree by the Ministry to our Master in Entrepreneurship & Innovation is the recognition of the pedagogical and academic quality of our faculty members who are involved in this program, as well as the adequacy of this program to the expectations of students who wish to acquire the skills to succeed in their entrepreneurial life,” concludes Jonas DEBRULLE, Director of International Programs at IÉSEG.