
IÉSEG’s new MBA HUB: a unique program to meet the current challenges that companies are facing

In order to respond even better to the current transformations and challenges of society and businesses, IÉSEG is rethinking the organization of its flagship Executive program. Since September 2022, the School has been operating an MBA HUB, consisting of an AMBA-accredited MBA program, in which each executive, manager or director can choose from three specializations (Executive, International and Leadership & Coding).

The interest of this Hub is to create a real community of managers, facing common issues, but wishing to create their own path to meet their particular development and transformation challenges.

Thus, the International track provides participants with the keys to analyzing global business challenges and opportunities. The Leadership & Coding track enables participants to grasp the growing complexity of a rapidly changing digital world, in a career that leverages analytical and managerial skills in business and technology. Finally, the Executive track is designed for people who have responsibilities within their organization and who have a professional development project towards new functions involving leadership, synthesis and analysis skills to make complex decisions, as well as a positive and sustainable approach to management.

Built around 9 modules delivered entirely in English and a “Capstone Project” (immersion in a company, professional thesis, entrepreneurial project, consulting mission, etc.), the Leadership & Coding and International tracks are 12-month full-time courses. The Executive program offers 5 start dates per year and lasts 16 months, with 4 days of face-to-face classes and 16 hours of online modules every 6 weeks. This format allows future participants, whether they are working or in professional transition, to combine their training with their professional activity.

The three IÉSEG HUB MBA programs include a common core career program. This program is adapted to the challenges of professionals in their current position or in professional transition. It alternates between coaching sessions and career workshops, provides participants with digital tools and offers regular meetings with experts to develop their knowledge and their network.

In addition to the courses and the Capstone Project, participants go on two Learning Expeditions: one with the entire HUB MBA community, and the other only with participants from their specialization. These trips offer a unique opportunity to explore other ways of collaborating, to discover new ways of working, and to evolve in a cultural environment that is very different from the one they are used to. Beyond learning new methods, these “Learning Expeditions” are also moments of sharing, convivial exchanges and memorable souvenirs for all.

We are very proud of this new MBA HUB. It allows us to create a real community that shares our values and brings about positive and sustainable transformations within their organization. More and more companies are contacting us to sponsor modules of this MBA HUB. This reinforces our strategy. This program responds well to the current challenges of the socio-economic world“, concludes Antoine DECOUVELAERE, Executive Development and Innovation Executive Director.

To learn more about the HUB MBA and its three specialization tracks, click here.