
In May, the Université Catholique de Lille and IÉSEG celebrate Europe!

Faithful to its founding tradition, the Université Catholique de Lille is one of France’s most internationalized universities, and one of the most connected with the rest of Europe. With 440 Erasmus partners in Europe and around 20 major research and development projects with European support, it contributes both to the intercultural experience of students and staff alike and to the Hauts-de-France Region’s international influence.

In line with its 2025 Vision, which states that “IÉSEG will be a unique international hub empowering changemakers for a better society”, the School, a member of the Université Catholique de Lille, has sought to develop and enrich its international dimension in a transversal way. Thus, the School has established partnerships with 87 Erasmus partners and sends every year around 30 % of its students* on academic exchange through this program financed by the European Union. The Erasmus+ programme also funds internship mobility and staff mobility (teaching and administrative mobility).

Every year, May 9 marks the anniversary of the 1950 “Schuman Declaration”, considered to be the birth certificate of European integration. A day that represents peace and unity, and which is celebrated throughout the month of May with the “Lovely Europe Month” or “Joli Mois de l’Europe” event. Experience Europe through this fully digital event put together by the Université de Lille’s institutions (among which IÉSEG School of Management), with interviews, reports, quizzes and more, open to all, throughout the month of May! Find the full programme of the “Joli Mois de l’Europe” event ici !

More information about the “Joli Mois de l’Europe” in France here

* excluding Covid period – 2019-2020 figures