
Joana Alves

MSc Big Data Analytics for Business, 2017


Before coming to IÉSEG I completed a Bachelor in International Business Management in the Netherlands and had been working for a start-up in my home country (Portugal).

I decided that I needed to acquire in-depth knowledge in an area of business that interested me: big data analytics. I chose IÉSEG because of its reputation and the opportunity to study in English, but also because this MSc would enable me to learn how to apply big data analytics to different business situations.

In addition to our academic courses, we also benefit from the rich exchanges with the other international participants on the program. Another advantage has been the support we receive for our future career, which includes coaching; career fairs and events that promote interaction with renowned companies. After finishing the program, I will be looking to take up a Data Science position for an international company.

Published on: April 18, 2017