
Laurène KAYA
Master in Business Analysis and Consulting / 2023
Cybersecurity Consultant, WAVESTONE BELGIUM
Before coming to IÉSEG to pursue its Master in Business Analysis and Consulting, I studied for 4 years at Excelia La Rochelle, obtaining a Master 1 in International Sales. As my studies were also in English, I was well prepared for my entry to IÉSEG. I then worked for 4 years in the luxury hotel industry in Brussels (as a receptionist), before deciding to change career paths.
I chose IÉSEG first and foremost because of the content of its Master in Business Analysis and Consulting, which seemed to me to be of very high quality and useful for my professional life. Secondly, I knew that IÉSEG had a strong reputation, not only locally but also internationally. By interacting with members of the program, they convinced me that I would fit in well at this School.
I really appreciated the support we received during the Master. Whether it was the program director, Christine DI MARTINELLY, or the administrative manager, Fabrice COQUET, we were constantly guided and supported. The professionalism and exacting standards of the various professors definitively consolidated my vision of this School.
One of the courses that fascinated me the most was Financial Reporting and Analysis, taught by Pratik GOEL. Although particularly demanding, Mr. GOEL passed on his passion and made me love Finance in general, which I didn’t before. His lessons were very clear and always supported by concrete examples. I think professors like him are the reason why IÉSEG is so well known.
What really stood out for me was how much the students in the Master in Business Analysis and Consulting helped each other. We all had different skills and knowledge that we shared throughout the year. I’m extremely grateful to have been part of such an enriching class.
Today, I’m a cybersecurity consultant at Wavestone Belgium. I’m really fulfilled in this position and I intend to progress and stay in it for a few years. As I develop my skills, I hope to become a senior consultant in a few years’ time.
I think the Master in Business Analysis and Consulting brings together essential knowledge for the current context and for the future. However, you have to be aware that it requires an enormous amount of work, but it’s definitely worth it. These are months of hard work, during which you take a quantum leap in terms of skills, and you must never give up.
I will remember an unforgettable year with people from all over the world, during which I pushed my learning limits. The teachers were all very talented and helped us to broaden our knowledge.
Published on: October 20, 2023