


MSc in International Business Negotiation


Before I came to IÉSEG, I was a student of the International EDHEC BBA, another French business school. I studied there for 4 years and I had the opportunity to spend one year in Spain. I specialized in Marketing and Communication.

In France, I feel it is very important to do 5 years of studies after the baccalaureate to have the chance to get the best job possible. For this reason, it was important for me to add a master-level degree to my experience. Independently of the fact that IÉSEG is one of the best French business schools, I was really interested in one of their programs, which is not easy to find elsewhere.

I chose the International Business Negotiation program for three reasons. The first one was that, after doing several internships, I wanted to develop more negotiation and commercial skills, as I wish to work in the Business Development field. Secondly, the program is entirely taught in English and I saw a good opportunity to improve myself and meet many international students. Finally, I really wanted to remain in the Paris area this year and the La Défense campus is a perfect place for business students to evolve in a dynamic district.

I really enjoyed that we were a small class, united and supportive. I really believe that we learn better like this, as the teachers can spend more time to answer each question, explain the concepts in detail, all the while taking the time to get to know us. I also liked the fact that the teachers come from everywhere in the world and have very interesting and different backgrounds. I found them and the administration very reactive and benevolent. Finally, the classes were very interactive with a lot of simulations so we could understand the theory by practicing.

I was very happy with the diversity of the courses. My favourite ones were Practical Negotiation Skills: we learnt all the concepts and skills that are important in negotiation and we also practiced a lot; Cultural Negotiation Strategy because it was very interesting to know how to negotiate with people from other cultures; Sales Techniques because it gave the keys to being a good salesperson; Mediation: it was new for me and I enjoyed learning that it was possible to solve a dispute without going to court, and finally Key Customer Relations Management because it was very useful to learn how to deal with the most important customers of a company in order to make the relationship last.

I am about to start my final internship as Customer Success Officer in a start-up in Paris.

I would tell potential candidates not to hesitate to apply for this program, they will learn so much useful knowledge. However, they have to be ready to work a lot on individual and group assignments, because the program works with continuous assessment.

I would add that I noticed that the international students got a lot of help and advice during this year regarding housing, administration procedures, transportation, and also benefited from organized parties, trips… It was very valuable for them.

If you decide to join this program in this city, you can only enjoy your stay in France!

Published on: June 8, 2020