
IÉSEG School of Management and Le Wagon sign a strategic partnership

The objective: to hone IÉSEG students’ tech skills. The two schools are also planning the launch of a joint executive education program.

Signature Wagon

Boris Paillard and Jean-Philippe Ammeux

Le Wagon, an internationally recognized coding school, and IÉSEG announce this week the signature of a strategic partnership. The two main axes of this collaboration are: the training of all IÉSEG Grande Ecole (Master in Management) Program students in web development, UX/UI Design, and data analysis, along with the creation of a new Executive Education degree program, combining coding and leadership.

3,000 students trained each year

From this academic year, Grande Ecole Program students at IÉSEG will follow a mandatory web development course online, designed and led by Le Wagon. Students will learn to design and code a website, to put it online and to integrate third party services (payment, user forms, geolocation, etc.).

Following the web development course, all Grande Ecole Program students will participate in a compulsory UX (User Experience) & UI (User Interface) Design course. From this online course, students will build an interactive web or mobile application ‘mock-up’ by respecting UX & UI design principles and by testing their prototypes through user tests.

Furthermore, all IÉSEG students will have access to two modules: “Data analysis with Python”, where they will learn to analyze data using the Python programming language, as well as “Automation & API”, which will teach them to interact with third party services by manipulating APIs (Application Programming Interface).

These four modules, entirely online and in English, were designed and will be led by Le Wagon, in close collaboration with IÉSEG.

Launch of a new “Tech and Leadership” Executive Education program

The two schools will also launch a new Executive Education program in 2020 that will combine leadership/management and technology/coding skills.

Digitalization strategy and strong demand from stakeholders

Caroline Roussel, Academic Dean at IÉSEG: “We are delighted to launch this partnership with Le Wagon, with whom we have already been collaborating in the framework of our ‘Digital Marketing & Innovation apprenticeship program’.

Le Wagon“At a time when companies are undergoing a major digital transformation, this partnership with Le Wagon is part of IÉSEG’s educational strategy. Offering training in digital skills and coding with a solid foundation in management meets students’ and companies’ expectations, and is essential today. Our graduates must be capable of managing teams, and of exchanging with tech experts, developers, designers and data scientists.

“This partnership is part of our digitalization strategy, which consists not only of offering more online courses, but also in training our students to develop the digital and technological skills that companies require. IÉSEG School of Management and Le Wagon share a common vision of the evolution of transversal skills that companies expect, which will be the foundation of the executive degree program launched together in the next months.”

For Boris Paillard, CEO and cofounder of Le Wagon: “Being partners with IÉSEG, an innovative and rapidly growing business school, makes a lot of sense for us. Many of Le Wagon alumni come from business schools, and we know how much tech and management skills are complementary. This alliance of soft and hard skills is increasingly sought after, and we are delighted to contribute to the creation of this opportunity for IÉSEG students.”