
“Entrepreneurs” and “top-level athletes”: two official statuses to provide better support for these students

IÉSEG instills the entrepreneurial spirit in its students and encourages them to innovate in order to transform organizations and society, whether through its teaching, its programs, its Incubator or its dynamic network of entrepreneurial graduates. Recognized for its strong entrepreneurial dimension, IÉSEG is welcoming more and more students who will set up their own business during their studies, or even who come to IÉSEG having already set up their own business!  

Yet, while they are naturally ready to follow this demanding, high-quality academic path, these young entrepreneurs, in the same way as top-level sports students, no longer want to overlook their entrepreneurial project or their commitment to sports. To enable them to make the most of this double experience and dual life – that of an IÉSEG student as well as that of an entrepreneur or top-level athlete – which is precisely their greatest asset, IÉSEG established a specific status for these two categories of students in September 2023. The implementation of these statuses meets a commitment made in the School’s 2022 – 2027 strategic plan, to offer an engaging learning experience to all students.

To date, 95 entrepreneurial students and 21 top-level athletes have benefited from these specially adapted statuses.

Whether they are entrepreneurs or top athletes, students follow exactly the same academic path as everyone else and must meet the same requirements to earn their degree. However, they benefit from special arrangements and regular personalized support throughout the year.

Student entrepreneurs: personalized support, in partnership with the Incubator

Whether a student is at the concept stage, launching a business or accelerating its development, he or she can apply for “Student Entrepreneur” status, a status granted after examination of the project or business plan by the School’s Research teams and the IÉSEG Incubator.

Student entrepreneurs then benefit from a limited number of accepted absences, if these are justified because of their activity (meeting partners, fundraising, customer acquisition, etc.). They can also validate electives such as “Entrepreneurship” or “My Entrepreneurial Project”, while working on the creation or development of their start-up. Master‘s students can also replace their final dissertation or Consulting Project with the Business Creation Project. Finally, they will now be able to carry out their end-of-study internship in their own start-up.

In addition to these special facilities, student entrepreneurs receive personalized support from the IÉSEG Research Department and the Incubator. They also have access to a wide range of resources offered by the School to help them at every stage of their project (communications, fundraising, developing their networks, putting them in touch with potential customers, partners…). 

Top-level athlete students: more flexibility to perform

Any student involved in a national/international championship, or registered on the French ministerial lists, can apply for the top athlete student status. This status is open to all sports, including soccer, horse riding, pole vaulting, handball, motor sports (car/motorcycle), golf, cycling and trail running.

In order to be able to take part in competitions or training sessions, sometimes held abroad, meet potential sponsors, respond to media requests or take part in promotional events, these students essentially benefit from specific adjustments to their timetable in the form of a given number of authorized absences.

These two types of statuses (Entrepreneurs and Top-level Athletes) are granted for a single academic year. They will be reassessed each year to ensure that students meet the admission criteria at the start of each new academic year.

“It was important for us to set up these specific statuses and offer our student entrepreneurs and top athletes, who are increasing in number every year, the recognition they deserve and, above all, the flexibility they may need to succeed in their projects. Offering a quality learning experience means knowing how to adapt to each student’s profile, and meeting their expectations as closely as possible. IÉSEG is proud to be able to offer these specific paths, and we are convinced that they will meet the needs of these students.”

Armelle DUJARDIN-VORILHON, Director of Studies and Students Experience at IÉSEG.