
Jacqueline Chang

I believe studying in one of the top ten Grande École in a program provided 100% in English, having course mates and professors from 14 different nationalities, living in an environment where I can practice conversing in French and appreciate the charm of the French way of life, is the perfect combination of a rewarding and personal enriching experience for me during my sabbatical year.

My experience studying in IÉSEG School of Management has been fulfilling and a wonderful break from my professional career, where time was more than a highly priced commodity. I thank each and every one of my Professors, for the material and spiritual support at critical and opportune times throughout the MIB course.

My advice to prospective students is if studying in a business school in France is paramount in achieving your goals and career aspirations, choose an institution like IÉSEG with a high degree of internationalization, which has the necessary worldwide accreditations as it does add weight to the qualification obtained and it would be one of the stepping stones in carving a good career path ahead. To my course mates originating from 14 different countries around the globe, I had great fun with you all in Lille and may we all succeed in our respective endeavors.

Published on: June 23, 2015