
Sakshi ANAND

Master in International Business / 2022



I did a Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities with a major in Political Science. The very first reason for choosing IÉSEG was its ranking and the triple crown accreditation that sets it apart from a number of schools worldwide. I read testimonials from alumni of this School, connected with them and understood how the overall multicultural atmosphere of the school adds to one’s personal development.

I chose the MIB specifically because the program offers a wide range of subjects in the first semester along with abundant options of electives in the second semester. I feel that the subjects which are taught in the first semester offer what an individual would need to step into management even though they might be from a different background. The transition from Humanities to Management studies was quite smooth for me during the first few months and the second semester allowed me to choose the electives which, as planned, helped me to pave the way for my career path in Human Resources.

What I enjoyed the most at IÉSEG was the multicultural aspect. I could meet so many people from different countries and understand the mindsets and diversity in general. The courses offer a real opportunity for development by including components like presentations, objective/subjective examinations, research papers etc.

The course that I preferred was “International Human Resources Management” taught by Ms. MOHAN. I liked that course because I always envisioned myself working in the Human Resources sector but it was really important for me to understand the International Aspect of HR. This was made very easy by the professor. This course is now helping me practically in my current role at BCG since we are very International in terms of Human Resources here.

France has always been a country where I wanted to spend a part of my life. I started learning French with an aim of moving to France when I was 10. When I finally moved to Paris, I was astonished by the local environment. I could feel so much warmth. I love visiting and exploring new places in Paris and I couldn’t get tired of this city ever. It’s so lovely and welcoming.

I was always told by people around me that you cannot make it into a big firm if you are not a European here. The moment when I was selected to work at Boston Consulting Group as a Talent Sourcer is a memory that I will always cherish. I am grateful that I made the choice of coming to Paris.

To all the potential candidates, I would like to say that IÉSEG is not just a School, it’s like a second home full of warmth and you would never feel a moment of exclusion being here, no matter from which corner of the world you come from. The program – MIB, will give you ample opportunity to learn from different perspectives and will give you a platform to build up your management skills. The professors are so passionate about the subject and about teaching that you will learn so much from them in every interaction.

I feel that joining IÉSEG was one of the best decisions of my life. I feel so accomplished that within one year, I was able to grasp so much knowledge about management through diverse courses like International Business and Strategy, International Human Resource Management, Business Ethics etc.

The professors at IÉSEG are always ready to go above and beyond to provide the students with the knowledge and experience. It was a pleasure to be taught by such learned professionals.

The aspect that I adored the most was the multicultural atmosphere at every corner of the School. My class was so diverse and we learned about each other’s cultures, cuisines etc. All in all, it was an experience that I will cherish all my life.

Published on: January 16, 2023