
2023, a year full of achievements to (re)discover!

Over the past few months, IÉSEG has enjoyed many moments of success and pride. Each of these highlights is the result of the day-to-day commitment of all the School’s administrative teams and faculty, in the service of its students, graduates and corporate partners… Here’s a look back at the most significant successes and achievements of the year.

France and international rankings

May 2023
Le Parisien – 2023 Business Schools Ranking: IÉSEG is ranked 1st “post-bac” Business School
Financial Times – Executive Education Custom 2023: IÉSEG enters the ranking for the 1st time, as « Highest Newcomer »

September 2023
Financial Times – Masters in Management 2023: IÉSEG is ranked 32nd Business School worldwide and 9th French Business School

October 2023
ChangeNow / Les Echos Start – 2023 Ranking: l’IÉSEG moves up one place and becomes the 3rd most committed Business School to the ecological and social transition in France

December 2023
L’Étudiant – 2023 Business Schools Ranking: IÉSEG is ranked 7th overall, all schools combined, and confirms its position as 1st “post-bac” Business School
Le Figaro & Challenges – 2023 Business Schools Ranking: In all French rankings, IÉSEG is ranked 1st “post-bac” Business School

January 2024
Le Figaro – 2024 Bachelors Ranking: IÉSEG’s Bachelor in International Business is ranked 2nd best Bachelor’s degree in France


January 2023
AACSB – IÉSEG renews its AACSB accreditation for 5 years

June 2023
EQUIS – IÉSEG renews its EQUIS accreditation for 5 years, the international dimension of the School is recognized as a « Area of Excellence »


July 2023
Academy of Management & Community for Responsible Research in Business and Management: Farah KODEIH wins the 2023 Award for Responsible Research in Management
Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion en Entreprises & Syntec Conseil: Lucas AMARAL LAURIANO wins the CSR Special Award
Spanish Accounting Association: Cinthia VALLE RUIZ and Christof BEUSELINCK are rewarded with the Accessit Prize for 2023 articles on Accounting
International Financial Management Association: Tinghua DUAN has been awarded the Best Paper in Corporate Finance and Financial Institutions
Association Francophone de Comptabilité: Sarah MAIRE wins the Award of the Best Communication

October 2023
IÉSEG Insights celebrates its 1st year of operation. In one year, more than 400 articles, videos and podcasts have been put online, and over 110 experts have been referenced on the website.

December 2023
Case Center Impact Index 2023 – IÉSEG is ranked 2nd best French School et 23rd best Business School worldwide in this impact index


July 2023
Conférence des Grandes Écoles – Jean-François FIORINA Award for Pedagogical Innovation: IÉSEG wins the 2nd edition of this Award for the course « Experience Change to better manage », proposed by Loic PLÉ and Antonio GIANGRECO

CSR – Sustainability

May 2023
Energy Saving Plan – During winter, IÉSEG reduced its electricity consumption by 18% on the Lille campus and by 28% on the Paris campus, and its heatingt consumption by 24% on both campuses.

June 2023
Positive Impact Rating – 2023 edition: IÉSEG ranks among the “Transforming Schools” for the 3rd year in a row
Label DD&RS for Higher Education – IÉSEG has been granted the Sustainable Development & Societal Responsibility label for the maximum duration of 4 ans

January 2024
Financial Times – Responsible Business Education Awards : IÉSEG wins the Award in the category “Best business school demonstrating system-wide responsible business principles integrated throughout teaching, research, operations, and student outcomes”. The School is also ranked among the highly commended institutions for the category “Best responsible teaching resources: innovative materials with a financial sustainability focus” for its Transition 2026 initiative.

Alumni – Students

February 2023
IÉSEG students take part in the University Climate Convention

April 2023
IÉSEG CONSEIL Paris is ranked among the 6 best Junior-Enterprises in France, IÉSEG CONSEIL Lille in the Top 30 and is rewarded with the Award of the Best Consulting Study

Novembre 2023
World InterUniversities Championships – IÉSEG students reach the podium 8 times (1st in men’s rugby – 2nd in cheerleading – 3rd in men’s and women’s handball, athletism, men’s and women’s rugby, cheerleading)