
Armelle DUJARDIN-VORILHON joins IÉSEG as Director of Studies for the Grande École program and the Bachelor in International Business

Armelle DUJARDIN-VORILHON joins IÉSEG School of Management as Director of Studies for the Grande École program and the Bachelor in International Business program within the Program Department. Graduated from the University of Versailles-St-Quentin-en-Yvelines in contemporary history, she brings her expertise in the optimal operational management of the programs, in the support and supervision of students during their studies at the School, and in the management and monitoring of the teaching teams.

Before joining the higher education sector, Armelle previously worked in marketing/communication positions for the Geodis group, before being appointed General Delegate of the Geodis Foundation. Then, she discovered the entrepreneurial world as Communications Director of a start-up in the SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy). An executive coach, Armelle DUJARDIN-VORILHON then joined IPAG Business School as Head of the PGE Program.

Armelle DUJARDIN-VORILHON - 1As Director of Studies of the Grande École program and of the Bachelor in International Business program, Armelle and her teams will play a fundamental role in the implementation of the School’s Vision (Empowering changemakers for a better society) by working on three major aspects:

  • Developing and organizing the operational implementation of the programs in order to take part in the “outstanding learning experience” of IÉSEG’s students, and providing professors and external speakers optimum teaching conditions;
  • Accompanying students throughout their studies, maintaining a regular relationship and a rigorous and attentive supervision in order to make them progress in their professional and personal projects;
    • Working closely with the School’s Academic Department to strengthen the ties with all the School’s stakeholders.

We are delighted that Armelle joins us as Director of Studies. In addition to being perfectly in line with the values and Vision of IÉSEG, Armelle has a significant experience in this central function for the School. Indeed, the unique pedagogical experience offered to our students is one of our three strategic priorities” underlines Jean-Philippe AMMEUX, dean of IÉSEG.

The mission of the School is to empower inspiring, multicultural and ethical changemakers. This mission is totally in line with my own background and values. I have myself given this triple dimension to my professional career: change through a diversified background, ethic and interculturality as founding values of my career path. IÉSEG is a dynamic school, with a high level of education focused on the student experience. I look forward to putting my skills and expertise at the service of the School, its professors and all of its students,” concludes Armelle DUJARDIN-VORILHON.