
After EQUIS and AACSB accreditations, IÉSEG School of Management is opening 8 new international programs

After launching in 2003 an MSc in International Business and an MSc in Fashion Management in 2013, IÉSEG is expanding its range of International Programs in English. From September 2014, eight new programs will be opened on its 2 campuses Paris and Lille.

New Bachelors

  • International Business : The program is designed for students interested in economics and international business. The objective is to train future managers to develop business, to conduct projects in companies operating internationally and to communicate effectively in international environment
  • Accounting & Finance : The main objectives of the program are to train students to work in international finance and accounting contexts, to give them a deep technical knowledge and to develop their soft skills making them able to communicate properly and manage teams.
  • Marketing & Sales : This program aims at providing a strong practical background in Marketing and Sales to students through the mastering of diversified and essential tools. It is designed to offer students a toolbox to select from in order to optimize the return on their ac­tions in an international context.

New MScs

  • MSc in Digital Marketing & CRM : The main objective of the program is to prepare future managers to work in Digital Marketing and CRM, two rapidly emerging & complementary marketing fields that represent new ways of conducting marketing and improving relationships with clients.
  • MSc in Business Analysis and Consulting : The aim of the program is to provide future consultants and managers with the managerial and communication skills required to act as change agents and deliver sustainable performance for companies operating in a global environment.
  • MSc in Finance : The MSc in Finance is designed for students wishing to enhance their understanding of financial mechanisms in a very practical environment. Through the observation of professional practices, students are given a unique opportunity to learn the ethics of the profession. Theory is put into practice in the financial markets lab, where students may also earn professional certifications.
  • MSc in Accounting : The MSc in Accounting is designed for students wishing to achieve long-term career success, based on a solid foundation in financial reporting and analysis as well as in management accounting and decision-making. The program provides students with an understanding of modern financial reporting functions from a technical and institutional point of view enabling graduates to work in a wide variety of industries.

 International MBA

  • International MBA : The International MBA is aimed at young managers with the potential of being global business leaders. The program would equip them with an in-depth understanding of the European business context and build the skills necessary to excel in complex international settings in top management positions.