
Karla Alvarez
MSc in International Business Negotiation, 2016
I have chosen the Master of Science in International Business Negotiation due to my interest in relationships, how people communicate and how interpretations cause miscommunication and conflicts. Through this year I acquired the knowledge to identify, analyze and solve any imminent conflicts in a integrative way, so parties may achieve win-win outcomes.
This Master’s degree gave me the opportunity to combine theory (learning) and practice. During this year we participated in really interesting (negotiation) simulations with different requirements. At the same time, some of us had the chance to participate in international negotiation competitions, having the amazing opportunity to meet new people and learn, of course, different ways of negotiating.
Both activities allowed us to understand and be better prepared before, during and after any future negotiation meeting. It also helped me to be aware of my own negotiation style, and to analyze better my counterpart
Published on: June 9, 2016