Events Research Seminars

[Research Seminar] ‘Stigmatized Artefacts: Towards a Relational Process of Artefact Stigmatization’

25 April 2024    Paris
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[Research Seminar] ‘Both Sides of Cloud: More Standardized Tools and More Data Analytics’

18 April 2024    Paris
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[Research Seminar] “MNE Crowdsourcing Sustainability Innovations”

12 April 2024    Paris
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[Research Seminar] ‘The Temporal Aspects of Digital Responsability’

09 April 2024    Paris
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[Research Seminar] Convergence of Beliefs after earnings Announcements

26 March 2024    Lille
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[Research Seminar] Accounting: “Accounting for climate action strategy” M. LAINE – Tampere University

07 December 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] ICOR: “Philanthropy for systems change: An exploration study” A. GAUTIER – ESSEC

05 December 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] ICOR: “Increasing quantitative research in social entrepreneurship: A question of method” C. BEN-HAFAÏEDH – IÉSEG

05 December 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] IFLAME: “Education and ethnic intermarriage: Evidence from higher education expansion in Indonesia” A. DI PAOLO – Universitat de Barcelona & AQR

23 November 2023    Online event
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[Research Seminar] Accounting: “Dirty Taxes: Corporate taxes and air pollution” M. JACOB – WHU

23 November 2023    Online event
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