Master in International Business Negotiation

Negotiating solutions to facilitate business worldwide.

  • Format

    3 Terms + Capstone Project

  • Languages


  • Location


  • Fees

    €18,200 (Fast Track) / €21,200 (Regular Track)

  • Intake


  • Credits

    120 ECTS



The Master in International Business Negotiation is a 4-term program completely taught in English which aims to educate effective, versatile and ethical managers, with strong negotiations skills to work in international context.

It offers participants the opportunity to understand all elements of a negotiation process, and to fully engage in an interdisciplinary analysis of negotiation in a global environment. Participants learn about their own negotiation style, master the art of communication and develop relational skills, which are of key importance for constructive negotiation processes.

They also develop the ability to effectively drive change, generate creative solutions, and to engage in different contexts. Furthermore, students will gain an understanding of how to apply these negotiation skills to international business settings, such as sales, business development and dispute resolution.

Director’s foreword

Master in International Business Negotiation


Academic Director, Professor of Marketing and Sales

Negotiation is at the heart of every manager’s responsibilities and contributes significantly to the effective development of companies and organizations. The Master in International Business Negotiation aims to develop participants’ competences in business negotiation and their self-confidence through learning-by doing and a practical perspective on business in today’s international context.

Master in International Business Negotiation – Presentation

Key Program Advantages

  • An entire year of experience in negotiation and related fields: business management, communication, leadership and conflict management, etc.
  • A toolkit for having global negotiation skills, strategies, and approaches, including an awareness and appreciation of cultural differences.
  • Access to an essential network of contacts in companies through our practitioners’ series and the IÉSEG Center on Negotiation (ICoN).
  • Accredited by the French Higher Education Ministry with a state-recognized ‘Grade de Master’.

Examples of companies involved in this program


Master Degree

Upon successful completion of the program (120 ECTS), students get the State-recognized ‘Grade de Master’ for this Postgraduate program (“DESMI – Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées en Management International”), with the specialization “International Business Negotiation”.

The degree is delivered by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and registered with the French RNCP (the National Registry of Professional Certification) under the number RNCP37390.

Career opportunities

Career opportunities for graduates include positions such as:

  • Account Manager
  • Business Developer
  • Commercial
  • Customer Sucess Manager
  • Digital Marketing Analyst
  • HR Business Partner
  • Senior Account Executive
  • Trade Advisor
Learn more about career opportunities

class profile

Our program attracts a wide range of people with diverse perspectives, reflecting cultures, opinions and talents from different regions of the world. This year, we welcome another diverse group of students:

Study in an International environment

Where our students come from?

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General contact

Corinne M'LANAO