
“Le cœur ou la raison” by Comed’IÉSEG: more than 800 people attending the musical

The Colisée de Roubaix, an internationally renowned venue in which so many famous artists have performed, was the stage for an exciting student event. Over 800 people, including IÉSEG students, parents, professors and administrative staff, attended the one-off performance of the musical “Le Cœur ou la Raison”, produced entirely by the student association Comed’IÉSEG and the School’s students.

Comed’IÉSEG – “Le cœur ou la raison”

According to Jules VYNK, President of Comed’IÉSEG, “the event was a huge success. We exceeded the audience’s expectations, with a level of choreography and sets that some spectators described as remarkable. This is a tribute to the commitment and dedication of our entire team and our partners. I can say today that this musical was the biggest and best project I’ve ever had the pleasure to work on. I’d like to thank everyone who helped us with this project, especially the administrative teams of the School.

Behind the scenes

This 2.5-hour performance required meticulous planning over two academic years. While the artists from the previous edition (Grease) were still on stage, the Comed’IÉSEG team was already working on this year’s show. The association has become structured, professionalized and fleshed out to successfully run these 2 projects in parallel.

This year, the association also benefited from the involvement of former members who have become choreographers or coaches in their turn, bringing real artistic flair to the performance. Inspired by a famous classic drama play by Shakespeare, the musical “Le Cœur ou la Raison” was written entirely by Comed’IÉSEG, by Loann Leclercq, former president of the association.

Comed’IÉSEG – “Le cœur ou la raison”

After passing particularly rigorous auditions, the thirty or so artists, including singers, dancers and actors, worked assiduously throughout the year. With three rehearsals a week for the first few months, followed by individual coaching sessions, and then daily rehearsals including weekends, the students excelled to deliver a stunning result on stage.

A collective effort, a collective success

This ambitious, long-term project mobilized a whole range of skills and resources. Behind the scenes, three associations worked hand in hand: Comed’IÉSEG for overall project management, the Arts Bureau for scenery and vocal coaching, and the Sports Bureau, through IÉSEG Danse, for choreography. 

Thanks to the work of each of these associations over many months, as well as the daily commitment of all the artists, who gave their all to learn their texts or choreography, rehearse and finally perform on stage, this show has become a real success, a dazzling demonstration of the talent, creativity and commitment of IÉSEG students!

The story in a few words…

” Le cœur ou la raison ” is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s famous masterpiece, which plunges us into the student world, where two lists compete relentlessly to win the Arts Bureau elections. At the heart of this confrontation is the passionate love of two students from opposing camps…