
IÉSEG professors recognized with awards for research & publications

Research and international collaboration has been part of IÉSEG’s DNA since its creation in 1964. The School attracts international researchers from around the world who publish the results of their work in top-tier scientific journals and integrate these findings in their teaching at the School. In the last weeks, several professors have been recognized for the quality of their research and their publications in the context of different national and international awards.

Academy of Management: Division – Gender and Diversity in Organisations

The Gender and Diversity in Organizations division of the Academy of Management has announced that Professor Gouri Mohan is the winner of the transnational research paper award. This is given to the conference paper that best meets the objective of advancing understanding of transnational gender and diversity issues.

Gouri and her coauthors Yih-Teen Lee (IESE Business School) and Minna Paunova (Copenhagen Business School) have been recognized for their paper on “The Effects of Nationality Diversity on Leadership Perceptions in Multinational Teams”.

This paper is really close to my heart because it brings together my love for the topics of leadership, diversity, and teamwork,” explains Gouri. “Although cross-cultural interactions and multinational collaboration have become pretty common in our workspaces, we don’t know a lot about how the demographic characteristic of these contexts affect leadership – specifically if our assumptions about people from different cultures and our beliefs regarding cultural similarities and differences affect our ability to influence and be influenced by our teammates. That is what this paper explores and we believe it is highly relevant to questions of how leadership operates particularly multinational collaborative contexts.

The Fondation nationale pour l’enseignement de la gestion des entreprises (FNEGE)/Syntec Conseil Research and publication awards

Each year, the FNEGE (a French foundation for the development and involvement of academic education in all the management fields) and Syntec Conseil organize a series of awards to recognize management research and publications.

Professor Kristof Coussement (professor in business analytics) was a winner in the digital transformation of companies category for his paper on « Leadership in Innovation Communities: The Impact of Transformational Leadership Language on Member Participation » published in Product Innovation Management.

We investigated the impact of moderators’ transformational leadership language on members’ participation by analysing more than 500,000 posts from 4,000 members across 60 online innovation communities”, he notes. “By relying on advances in the text analytics domain, we found moderators that use charismatic language boost members’ participation. Meanwhile, individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation (in posts) improve the quality of members’ posts, but reduces the frequency of their posting.

Meanwhile, Professor Anne Jeny received the Jury’s special prize for her book (co-authored with Julien Onillon « Les 12 travaux de l’analyste financier » (« The 12 tasks of the Financial Analyst » in French _ Editions Pearson). Both theoretical and practical, this book tells the captivating story of a young analyst starting off in a trading room. It explains the job of a financial analyst, its stakes, its environment, but also the pitfalls to avoid.

With this book, we did not only want to make a didactic, theoretical and technical work on financial analysis. We wanted to show, in very concrete terms, how analysts work, examine companies and their accounts, build their models, value companies and prepare their studies. We also chose to focus on the job of sell-side analysts. These analysts, who work for stock market companies and advise large institutional investors, publish their research studies and are therefore closely followed by companies. Finally, this book, like its authors, offers a cross-sectional view of financial analysis: the practitioner’s point of view and that of the academic.”

See more in this video and in this article.

Ph.D. Thesis Award of the Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC – the francophone association for accounting)

Élodie Garlot Falguieres, professor of accounting, has been awarded the AFC 2021 thesis Award for her work on financial scandals in France. The association, which has more than 400 members, awards a prize each year to the best thesis in accounting, control and auditing.

Many congratulations to these faculty members!