
Dataviz Challenge: IÉSEG innovates for the 3rd edition of this international data visualization challenge

Launched in 2021 as part of its Master in Apprenticeship “Financial Institutions: Risk, Compliance and Data Analytics” of the Grande Ecole Program program, IÉSEG launches the third edition of this international data visualization challenge at the start of 2023, in partnership with Cofidis Group.

Given the success of the first 2 editions, the pedagogical objective (learning to translate a database in a clear and intuitive way through data visualization in order to propose a quick, synthetic and functional reading) as well as the target of the Dataviz Challenge (opened to all students in France or internationnaly, enrolled in a European higher education institution – participants can compete on their own or in pairs) remain the same. Students will thus receive an anonymous database that they will then transform into a visual by using the Data Visualization software of their choice.

For this third edition, the Dataviz Challenge takes on an additional international dimension, since this year, the topic is proposed by the Spanish branch of Cofidis Group. Student reports (a one-page synthetic dashboard and an appendix of no more than 300 words explaining their choices) must therefore be submitted in English.

After having worked on the data of the business manager (in 2021) then of the risk analysts (in 2022), the students will deal, this year, with the following issue: “Build a tool for managing the activity of granting consumer credit, aimed at business agents”.
Indeed, within Cofidis, credit agents need to be able to perform a quick and simple analysis of their partners; they also occasionally need to analyze more precise points, whenever one of the KPIs shows an abnormal trend, either downward or upward, in addition to analyzing the profile of borrowing customers. How to present this information in a synthetic, efficient and pleasant way in order to facilitate the work of the credit agent?

After March 3, 2023, the closing date for submitting applications, a jury made up of 3 IÉSEG professors, specializing in Data Science and Banking, will meet to analyze the submitted projects according to the relevance of the choices, creativity, graphics and readability. The 10 selected projects will then be submitted to a panel of data experts from Cofidis Group, who will assess the professionalism and feasibility of each proposal and will designate the 3 winners of the Dataviz Challenge.

« Managing data is a strategic issue for Cofidis. It will allow us to continue to innovate, to conserve our leadership and to reinvent our customer experience. This also allows us to perform and to transform our organizations: Data actually permits us to stay one-step ahead, and this is moreover one of the main professions of our Group! Today, and through our partnership with IÉSEG, it is important for us to collaborate with students in order to enrich our perspective, to open up to new methods and to share our vision related to the subject », explains Nicolas WALLAERT, General Director of Cofidis France.

The Awards ceremony will be held on April 11, during a thematic conference around data. The prizes (a candidate experience, a data experience and a sponsorship experience) will be awarded by Luc-Bertrand SALUS, Managing Director of Cofidis Spain and member of the Executive Committee of Cofidis Group.

To find all the information on the Dataviz Challenge and participate in the challenge, discover the dedicated website on

Key dates of the challenge
     – Opening of the submissions: January 12, 2023
     – Closing date for submitting applications: March 3rd, 2023
     – Selection juries (IÉSEG & Cofidis): March 2023
     – Awards ceremony: April 11, 2023
     – More information and application: